Max. 30 km/t af hensyn til sikkerheden samt vejenes holdbarhed.

Græsslåning skal finde sted på rabatten mindst 3 gange om året, inden den 15. maj, 1. juli samt den 15. august og helst flere gange af hensyn til naboerne.

Beskæring af hegnsbeplantning mod foreningens veje og fællesarealer skal finde sted mindst 1 gang om året, inden den 15. august.

Foreningens arealer:
Foreningens arealer må ikke benyttes til oplag.

Egne og gæsters biler skal så vidt muligt parkeres på egen grund. 

Hunde skal føres i snor på vort område. Katte (og hunde uden snor) skal holdes på egen grund.

Mindre bål med kreativt formål er tilladt (snobrød / pølser m.m.)

Afbrænding er forbudt i sommerhusområder fra 1/1 2011

Det er ikke tilladt at affyre fyrværkeri i vores område pga. at der ligger stråtækte huse i området.
Gældende fyrværkerilov skal følges.

I perioden 1. maj - 31. august gælder følgende:


Brug af støjende maskiner – f.eks. græs/hæk/sav/kværn m.fl. må kun foregå i tidsrummet

Hverdage                kl. 9:00-18:00

Søn- og helligdage kl. 9:00-12:00

Der skal uanset tidspunkt tages hensyn til naboerne.


Brug af radio/musikanlæg må kun finde sted, så det er uden gene for naboerne.

Ovenstående ordensregler er sidst revideret og vedtaget på generalforsamlingen 25. februar 2019

Common Rules and Regulations


Speed limits:

For safety reasons, there is a maximum 30 km/h. This may also preserve the long time condition of the roads.



Grass trimming should take place on the verge of the road at least 3 times a year, before May 15’Th, July the 1’st, and August the 15’Th, preferably more often out of the considerations of the neighborhoods.



Pruning of hedges and plants facing the association's roads and common areas have to take place at least once a year, before August the15th.


The association's areas:

The association's areas are not be used for storage.



Owner and guests' cars must be parked on own premises/ground as far as possible.



Dogs must be kept on a leash in our area. Cats (and dogs without a leash) must be kept on own premises/ground.



Small bon fires for recreational purposes are allowed (e.g., bread on sticks / roasting sausages, etc.).


Burning of waste and such is prohibited buy law in our residential areas from January the 1’st 2011. Relevant regulations must be followed.



Fireworks in our area are not allowed due to thatched houses in the area. Relevant regulations must be followed.


For the period of May the 1’st – August the 31’Th, the following applies:


Noise Disturbances:

Machinary noise: Use of noisy machinery – e.g., lawn mower/hedge cutter/saws/grinder, etc. – may only take place during the following times:

Weekdays: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Sundays and holidays: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Regardless of the time, consideration must be taken into account..


Noise from radio/music:

Use of loud radio/music/sound systems should only occur without causing inconvenience to the neighbors.

The above rules and regulations were last revised and adopted at the general assembly on February 25’Th, 2019.
